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Email Support

Setting up your Heart of Iowa Email on iPhone, iPad, Windows, or Android

Email Configuration Set up

Support line: 877-486-HICC (4422) – 24/hour – 7/days
eSupport Live Chat


Ensure you have the following detail with you that are required to complete the process:

Common Setting for Internet Software

The following settings are provided to help you configure commonly used Internet client software for use with your connection and email.

Ensure you have the following detail with you that are required to complete the process:

Dialup Username:username@heartofiowa.net
Email Username:username@heartofiowa.net
Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server:imap.heartofiowa.net
Incoming Mail (POP3) Server:pop3.heartofiowa.net
POP3 Port:110 (default)
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server:smtp.heartofiowa.net
SMTP Port:587 (25 is default)
Your email addressusername@heartofiowa.net
Return or reply-to addressusername@heartofiowa.net
Heart of Iowa Communications Cooperative Home Page:https://heartofiowa.net/
DNS (Name) Servers:
IP AddressAssigned by server

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